Sunday, November 20, 2005


“ Nawid Bachim wake up u have 30 min till the sunrises” My morning starts, with my father waking me up for Fajr. I woke up and I went to the bathroom to make Wudu (ablution). After I finished praying it was 8 so I started debating with myself if I should go to sleep or study. I have a lot of catching up to do, I am soooo behind. Tiredness overtook me and I decided to rest my eyes for 20 min. As I was resting my eyes I was thinking about someone really close to me. I remember that we had a convo about sleeping and how I advised that person that sleeping is another form of death and that we get enough sleep when we die. I forced my eyelids not to shut but I didn’t have the strength to get out of my warm cozy bed and face the cool morning air.

So I began to ponder about life. First I started think how I can hype up the Breaking Borders club. Thinking of what events to hold next. How to make the meetings more exciting? How to get people who have great potential for Islamic work to get more involved?

Dawud Wharnesbey is coming on Jan 6 or so. I was thinking whom I could get on the advertising committee that will actually put effort and time and advertising programs. How to advertise this upcoming program?

Then I began to become a captive of my imagination. I began thinking of the future dreaming about things that right now seem impossible but It made me realize that how people are so opposite these days. I know a lot of couples that get married and their life start to go downhill. Why? Marriage is so beautiful it is a Rahmaaa sent by Allah. Where has this beauty gone? Couple years ago (and I am telling this story because no one knows this brother except for my brother) a brother went and ask this girl for her hand and marriage, She said yes and they got engage. Now this brother would dress up for her every time they would go out. He would be very romantic to her. Buy her gifts and take her out. BAM they get married and all of this STOPSS!! Why? He doesn’t care about his looks, no more gifts and no more words of kindness. After he stopped all this, they begin to fight over pity issues. Man I am going to be different Inshallah. Before Marriage I am going to be nice, polite and caring but I don’t want the Girl to fall in love with my gifts, sweet words or my looks (which I don’t have to worry too much about). I want them to fall in love with me. With who I am. Then when we get married Inshallah I am going to be romantic, Gifts all over the place. Try to look the very best for my Wife.

I know words are cheap and that actually going through with it is tough but that’s why I publish this post on my blog so that it is a reminder to me at all times and Inshallah when the time comes ill step up to the plate.

Watch your thoughts because they become your words your words become your actions your action becomes your habits, which become your character, which will lead you to your destination.

Well I g2g my parents are getting very worried with me. They wonder why I spend soo much time on the Internet. They think it is MSN. Well I dunno what they will think when they find out ur the main cause. Well let’s hit the books.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I want them to fall in love with me. With who I am."

huh? so how many wives are u gonna have?


12:42 PM  
Blogger Painted-Eyes said...

"Watch your thoughts because they become your words your words become your actions your action becomes your habits, which become your character, which will lead you to your destination."

I love that quote because it has so much meaning behind it. Your whole post pretty much has deep meaning behind it but that one quote caught most of my attention. I hope you don't mind me asking where you got it from...?

5:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

InshaAllah you do all that you say
Nice to see aguy who has his head screwed on straight

6:39 PM  
Blogger Salwa said...


how bout u print off and laminate that little spiel about being so kind and thoughtful and the like and post it up on ur fridge after ur married iA? im not saying u wont do it, but umm guys tend to forget about all their promises pretty soon after they are married or so i have seen.
but inshallah u do keep up with it, it is a noble idea :D

salaam salaam

7:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


if that is truly how you feel in ur heart then mashaalah
because not many brothers are like you. And inshallah maybe from reading your blog maybe some may start to think like that


9:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Inshalah Allah(swt) will give you a beautiful wife. Someone who truly loves you and goes above all else to be with you. Your words are very insightful. I think your special someone is just around the cornor. Oh and remember "the mark of a great one is humbleness while arrogance is the mark of one who is just on a lucky streak"

4:23 PM  
Blogger nawid said...

the quote i got from Sheikh Yassir at the workshop

6:15 PM  
Blogger Painted-Eyes said...

Do you mean Sheikh Yassir Fazega from California?
If so, than that Sheikh is amazing! His speaches are so good compared to many other Sheikhs who tend to put you to sleep!
No wonder I liked the quote...

7:18 PM  

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