Friday, July 28, 2006

Returning Inshallah

I am returning on july 31st 2 pm inshallah, i wonder if i have been forgotten in the city i was born in, with the brothers i grew up with and learned from, i wonder if i wont fit in . if i would be lost. I wonder if i was remebered or if it was ""too bad hes gone "" and then they continue on with there life without thinking twice about me. Its an amazing reminder to know that one should do everything for Allah and only Allah. That no one should help someone to befriend that person, that no one should make amazing speeches for fame, that no one should be in the mosque five times prayer in order to get married. That when you die even your closets friends forget you, your parents forget you. ONLY Allah swt of will always be with you and He will never foget you. Thats why whatever you do in life you do it for Allah.

On the day of judgement no one is going to come to your aid and ask Allah for His mercy upon you except for Prophet Muhammad PBUH. Your parents will forget you, and only think about themselves. No one in this world will care about you on that day.

I didnt write this post in order for people to start hating the world and not do anything for the betterment of humanity, but in order to remind myself to make sure i always have the right intentions that whatever i do in this world should be for Allah swt and that is the best way to get the best of both worlds.

Look at life in two looking glass: One live life if your going to die any second and going to face your lord.Second live life if your going to live for eternity this way your going to get the best of both worlds.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Saw the Pyramids yestrday, it was hectic, i had to tell the guy i was tunisian because the jack up the prices for forginers, LOL but this time we didnt get hussled we hussled them i payed 10 cents Candian for the whole experince. Write about it more later but rite now i have to go for Maghrib.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

France vs Portugal

That should be an excellent match, got invited to watch the game at a classmate houes, should be fun but wont be the same as watching the game with the brothers at home, i miss watching these kind of games with the brothers. I miss the brothers, i miss Edmonton, but AllhamduAllah everything is great here, i am enjoying it the classes are intense and wow, Egpyt is different ill write more about in a later post cuz rite now i am going to go eat then hit up the game iA.